About us

We, humans, constitute a society that has not learned to take care of itself yet. We kill each other. We rob each other. We deceive each other. We ignore each other. However, we constitute a society with unique characteristics that are important to understand.

We, humans, are emotional animals, very creative, but with extreme reasoning difficulties and an immense need to control the environment around us. On the emotional side, emotions plague our minds and influence our behavior even before we are aware of their existence. On the rational side, whenever sequences of a little more extensive cause-consequence actions occur, we adopt processes that simplify and facilitate decision-making, as is the case of decisions based on prejudice. We all function this way.

Another facet common to all of us is the fact that we seek to take advantage of the environment around us to improve our level of well-being. We act according to the circumstances. Our opportunistic behavior can be defined as negative or positive. Negative opportunistic behavior occurs when we act to improve our individual level of well-being, even though we are aware that we are worse off if everyone else acts in the same way. Stealing, bribing, or deceiving others are examples of negative opportunistic behavior. Positive opportunistic behavior arises when we act to immediately improve our level of well-being fully aware that we are even better off if everyone else behaves in the same way. Examples of positive opportunistic behaviors are producing goods and services, avoiding polluting, or respecting others. It is the type of consistency of opportunistic behavior stimulated by society that defines its stage of progress, or decay.

As a result of the need to control the environment that surrounds us, and in conjunction with the recognized inability to properly analyze, and in advance, sequences of actions of cause-consequence, or action-reaction, human society has developed figures of authority that seek to impose on everyone an order that avoids chaos. Consequently, this order, imposed by boundedly rational individuals, is often contested because people, devoid of a real vision of the final consequence of their actions, make decisions aimed at obtaining immediate pleasure, without realizing that they condition their own future very negatively. Therefore, within human society, authority has always been contested and competence is not always recognized. We remain closer to a chaotic society than an orderly one.

The emergence of protests against authority depends on the perception of the worsening of the living conditions of one fraction of society detrimentally to another. But, while gratuitous authority defends its point of view using force, competence defends itself through the logical presentation of arguments that explain the cause-consequence relationships that lead to the improvement of living conditions for all, without exception. Competence, being much harder to find than authority, is also much harder to defend. The competent person must always be courageous. And, being such a rare person to find in the most diverse areas of interest to which the human being is dedicated, this person is also rare within governmental organizations.

Interestingly, human beings exhibit, among themselves, differences in the needs they have to be happy. There are people, more emotional or social, who, in order to be happy, have to be always at parties and get-togethers; that is, they must always be in permanent, or almost permanent, communication with others. There are people, more analytical, or calculating, who, to be happy, have to be in their corner, calm, reasoning about what they observe, and looking for possible solutions for improvement. There are people, more organized, or planners, who, in order to be happy, must always be combining everyone's efforts to obtain a certain satisfactory result. There are people, more executive, or active, who, in order to be happy, must always be achieving goals. A competent authority must be able to make happy all these personalities.

We can separate these multiple human facets into two major areas: 1) an area of focus on discovery and innovation; and 2) an area of focus on fully exploiting the means at our disposal. In other words, there are people who tell us that “everything is already made up” and what matters now is to make the most of what is available to us, and there are other people who keep trying to learn as much as possible about the endless unknown. For this reason, we often see that the inventor is rarely the exploiter of the business idea. Human society needs everyone to be successful.

The construction of a society, of all for all, is something that we have not known how to do yet. The incompetence of the governmental institutions that lead us is factual, but the lack of knowledge about what can be done is also general. It is possible to build a society where people are not afraid of each other, where people are not afraid of making mistakes, and where people are not self-afraid. It is possible to immediately end all wars without having to kill anyone. It is possible to build a free society, where there is no poverty, scarcity, social inequality, or economic crises. It is possible to build a trustable society where everyone, without exception, can be happy. This space intends to be an aid for all people who want to be absolutely meaningful to do it.


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